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npm version


The SDK is currently in beta.


npm install @withgates/node


yarn add @withgates/node


First, initialize the Gates service:

import { Gates } from "@withgates/node";

const gates = new Gates(process.env.GATE_PUBLIC_KEY!, {});

Initialize the Gates service

await gates.init();

Syncing Data

The SDK will automatically sync data from the server to the client. You can also manually sync data by calling the sync method.

await gates.sync();

User Management

Sign in a user

Use your app's unique identifiers to sign in users.

const user = await gates.signInUser("<user-id>");

Set user attributes

The user attributes are used to target experiments, use them to create cohorts of users for your experiments. We have default attributes that are always available, but you can also add your own custom attributes. See User Attributes for more information.

const defaultAttributes = {
platform: "web",

const customAttributes = {
"custom-attribute": "custom-value",

await gates.setUserAttributes({
custom: {

Check if a knob is enabled

Knobs check does not require a user to be signed in.

const isEnabled = await gates.isEnabled("knob-name",);

Check if a user has access to a feature/experiment

The experiments are checked against the user's identity. If no user is signed in, it will always return false.

const isInExperiment = await gates.isInExperiment("experiment-name",);